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Jason Burkholder, Realtor

Community. It’s a word that means many things to many people, and here, community is what the story of Lititz Life is really about. All of our town’s shops, restaurants and events are run by amazing people, who care about our community and as someone who grew up here and now gets to live, work, and volunteer here with them, let me tell you, the stories of their lives are full of the spirit of community, of hard work, caring and fun. Once you meet them, hear their stories and see it for yourself, you’ll see exactly what I mean!
Even though Lititz is my home base, I help people buy and sell homes and buildable land of all sizes, price ranges and areas, from traditional detached homes to manufactured homes, from multi unit investment properties to condos or townhouses. Mostly in Lancaster County, but all over South Central PA really. Why all over South Central PA?
Well, everyone’s story is different, and those stories can take place anywhere. Whether it’s your home for a long time or a short time, it’s still yours. A place of your own. The place where all the stories of your life unfold. Like any story, selling or buying a home can be full of ups and downs, twists and turns, exciting and terrifying all at once. But when you work with the right Realtor, it all comes together just as it it should, with an ending that is just the beginning of the next chapter for you. By blending classic service you expect, with years of experience and skill, along with modern marketing and availability that keeps up with the times, I’ve helped hundreds of people write their story. I’d be honored to help you with yours too, when you’re ready.
To contact me call me (or send a text message) at 717-371-0557, call the Office 717-207-8093, or email at
Thanks for stopping by!
Jason Burkholder
Realtor, Associate Broker, Advocate
Jason Burkholder Team
Hometown Property Sales
57 E Main St
Lititz, Pa 17543