Shopping | Downtown Lititz | Home & Antiques | Gifts
Ewebiquitous is one of Lancaster County's Favorite Shops and is more than just a yarn store, it is a unique and colorful fiber arts destination where the "ewe" is all around you! We showcase quality hand-works such as home goods, pottery, hand-knit and crocheted items and jewelry sourced from artisans both locally and from around the world. Plus, we offer a vast selection of fine yarns, roving, accessories, and kits for the fiber enthusiast. Our fiber arts cover the gamut from knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, wool embroidery, needle punch, needle felting and rug braiding. Classes starting soon in an array of fiber arts. Stop in our happy little shop and see all that we have to offer. Ewe will be glad you did!
Product/Service Offerings
- Roving and yarns in all weights and fiber types
- Notions
- Needles
- Kits
- Patterns for all experience levels
- Materials and tools for novices