Event Calendar
Christmas Eve Services in Lititz
Christmas Eve Services in Lititz
December 24 All day
Looking for a Christmas Eve service in Lititz? Here are a few local options:
- Hosanna! A Fellowship of Christians – 29 Green Acre Road, Lititz
- Christmas is about miracles! So, this Christmas, we celebrate “The Miracle on Christmas Eve!” Join us live or by livestream on December 24, at 4:30 pm, at Hosanna! A Fellowship of Christians. Questions call the church office at 717-626-2560
- Lititz Mennonite Church – 165 Front Street, Suite 11, Lititz
- Candlelight lesson and carols on December 24 at 7pm.
- Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kissel Hill – 26 Owl Hill Road, Lititz
- December 24 at 4pm and 9pm. Both services include Holy Communion and candle lighting. The 4pm service is family oriented.
- St. Paul Lutheran Church – 200 W Orange Street, Lititz
- December 24 at:
- 1:00pm – a traditional candlelight service with Holy Communion
- 4:00pm – a family service with music by children & youth
- 9:00pm – a traditional candlelight service with Holy Communion.
- December 24 at:
- Lancaster Evangelical Free Church – 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz
- Join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service at LEFC! Services include a children’s moment, carols, candle lighting, and a Christmas message.
- December 24 at 3pm, 4:30pm and 6pm.
- Join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service at LEFC! Services include a children’s moment, carols, candle lighting, and a Christmas message.
- Grace Church Lititz – 501 W Lincoln Ave, Lititz
- You’re invited to Grace Church’s “A Christmas to Remember,” a Christmas Eve experience of story, song, and candle lighting on December 24 at 3pm and 5pm.
- LifeSpring Fellowship – 490 W Lincoln Ave, Lititz
- We offer our doors to anyone who is eager to join us in celebrating the miracle birth that is our Lord Jesus Christ on December 24 at 7pm.
- St. Luke’s UCC – 222 N Broad Street, Lititz
- Candlelight Service with special music by the Choral Choir and the Bell Choir on December 24 at 7pm.
- Lititz Trinity – 44 E Orange St, Lititz
- On December 24 the Children’s Church Christmas Chorus will be a special feature in the family-oriented 6:00pm Candlelight Service. The 8:00pm Candlelight Service will use a Lessons & Carols format. This traces the arc of God’s redemption for us, front he time of the Fall to the birth of Christ.
- Lititz Trinity also hosts a Community Christmas Day Dinner on 12/25 at noon. A full course meal, entertainment, and carols will be provided. No cost but reservations are required. RSVP at lititztrinity.org or 717-626-2175.